
By Rynne S. - 13/03/2012 06:12 - United States

Today, I got my yearbook. My sister and I are identical twins, and we realized only my sister had a picture in it. When we asked the head of yearbook, they said they thought it was the same girl trying to get two pictures, so they put in the prettier one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 569
You deserved it 2 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And they didn't think to ask either one of you?

Wouldn't they check if both names are in the school system first?


I would go to the main dean/principal and get some off those yearbook staffers upset. They mustve been complete assholes, seeing that you are identical twins.

I'm sorry but that is hilarious. But they shouldn't have said that...

I was just trying to make them feel better about them selves instead of saying something hurtful.

iBleedSarcasm 5

Some of you people are SO rude. Obviously the Op wants individuality. Twins may look nearly the same but they aren't the same person! How could you say "At least you'll be remembered as a pretty version of yourself." ? That's so freaking mean spirited and narrow minded!

FluffyKitty2all 1

was it you that was in the yearbook or your sister?

LaughingHobbit 4

lol that happened to my two friends as well :) don't worry bet ur pretty as well don't listen to those jerks

They probably didn't mean that she was prettier. Just that the picture she took was a bit more photogenic then yours! Your obviously just as pretty if they thought you guys were the same person!