By Yudansha - 14/02/2009 03:10 - Canada

Today, we wrote valentine's day poems in class. I wrote a very depressing poem about how I was rejected by all the girls I like and how it hurt to be alone. When it was read to the class, they laughed and told me it was hilarious. Even the teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 450
You deserved it 93

Top comments

Valentine's is bullshit. just go out and have a drink with your buddies man, enjoy the time with your boys. If people need a day to tell their girl how much they love her... they aren't doin it right. You do that 365 days a year. if anything... you should have a "day off "from it


They probably thought it was a joke, they weren't really being insensitive. Should've played it off and laughed with everyone else. Getting rejected must've been brutal, fyl.

Valentine's is bullshit. just go out and have a drink with your buddies man, enjoy the time with your boys. If people need a day to tell their girl how much they love her... they aren't doin it right. You do that 365 days a year. if anything... you should have a "day off "from it

That's what you get for reading it to the class.

I blame the mtv generation. I mean now adays you don't know if someone is serious or not. So when someone is sincere about his/her feelings, the immediate reaction is that the person is joking and you should just laugh. However, I think it took a lot of guts to share your feelings. The point is, perhaps you're looking for the wrong girls or maybe you're just talking to them wrong. Don't just blurt out your feelings, you gotta keep them in you and release them at the right time.

carriealana 0

I really think you deserved that one. Reading that kind of stuff to your whole class may be gutsy but it's also stupid. They obviously thought you were joking, because no one reads that kind of thing to their whole class!

What were you even thinking? That they would feel sorry for you, or that one of the girls would see how brave you be were, be deeply touched and fling her arms around you in front of everyone. I've not seen this movie!

That happens when you try to be an emo writter. Be more positive the next time :)

Switch_fml 0

Well where's the poem? I want to laugh too.

go cry in the corner, emo kid. unlike motel 6 I'll even turn the lights out for you. being a downer will never truly get you the girl. no girl wants to use your tears as lube. cheer up, and if you're still lonely next year, remember that there are always plenty of drunk, loose, desperate girls at singles bars on V-Day...

whining does no good. If you actually want advice or help, ask your friends, family, counselors....whatever. People don't mind that. But there is no benefit whatsover to whining. It doesnt get anything done and it doesnt do anything but make the people around you annoyed and not care to help you when you ask.