
By Rynne S. - 13/03/2012 06:12 - United States

Today, I got my yearbook. My sister and I are identical twins, and we realized only my sister had a picture in it. When we asked the head of yearbook, they said they thought it was the same girl trying to get two pictures, so they put in the prettier one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 569
You deserved it 2 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And they didn't think to ask either one of you?

Wouldn't they check if both names are in the school system first?


Isn't there a twin section !? I mean I had twin section in the yearbook. They should've known ya was twins ******* idiot!

I'm not saying you're lying but I've never heard of anyone getting a yearbook in March. Usually it's at the end of the year

zebralover23 14

If you are identical then you both are beautiful no matter what. FYSchool

rainydayz133 6

That sucks OP. Where you guys wearing the same outfit?

callie123amy 4

This is worse than what happened at my school.... a friend of mine was a fraternal twin, and they switched around their pictures so they were under the wrong name. But at least they were both in there....

I was just trying to comfort her, jeez no need to attack

I'd be pretty POed, my school messed up all my stuff in the yearbook too, my grad year; my grad write up was under the wrong name, my name was spelled WRONG, I wasn't on the list of graduates [and I was graduating] the yearbook was fifty-bucks, I demanded a refund, they gave me one.

I would have been so mad and flipped out while throwing a yearbook. They should have known you are a ******* twin. Do they not see you in school with your damn sister? Wtf?

You are a dumbass. Her name won't be listed in that row next to the photo. So nobody will think it was her.