On a leash

By thanks sis - 29/08/2020 10:52 - United States - Hesperia

Today, my best friend and I were supposed to meet up at an outdoor beer garden. We’ve both had a hard time with quarantine, so it was a great escape. Instead, she kept me waiting for nearly two hours before I finally left. Her excuse? Her boyfriend, who she sees every day, really wanted to have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 875
You deserved it 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Christina Winden 22

Sounds like you need to make plans with some other, less inconsiderate, friends.

I'd have waited fifteen minutes then either enjoyed myself or done something else. She's a shit friend. Unless they rarely have a moment alone for sex.


Christina Winden 22

Sounds like you need to make plans with some other, less inconsiderate, friends.

at least you got to spend 2 hours at a beer garden

I'd have waited fifteen minutes then either enjoyed myself or done something else. She's a shit friend. Unless they rarely have a moment alone for sex.

anyone_alive 1

same thing happens to me man felt that

Sex doesn't take that long. Sounds like she didn't want to go and was using that as an excuse.

szy 7

Or she was using OP as an excuse - she tells the boyfrind she's with OP, tells OP she's with the boyfriend and spends the time with someone else, her lover maybe.

She probably used that as an excuse to shop for an hour and 50 minutes.

samomaha 17

This one is on you, OP. I would never wait for anyone for two hours. After 15 minutes, I will givethem a call to see what's going on. They should either be on their way and meeting me within another 15 minutes or so, or else have some kind of unexpected issue which is preventing them from going at all. Either way, they should have called to let me know, as it only takes literally 1 minute to do so.

either she's a terrible friend, or she's in a manipulative/abusive relationship. has this boyfriend kept her from seeing her friends before?

You sat there for 2 hours waiting??? ydi