Dogs 4 Life

By RIPFelicity - 21/08/2021 00:01

Today, my boss wrote me up for appearing "depressing" to customers. I told her that I was upset because my dog had to be put down yesterday. She told me, "Aw that’s sad. But guess what? That dog ain’t gonna pay your bills and put bread on your table. So cut the emo crap or you’re fired." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 675
You deserved it 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I understand you might need the job, the money, but I think you really need to quit that job. Your principles and sanity are more important than a pay day. And if you're living a civilised society, you can actually report your boss for emotional abuse/negligence.

TechiCB 1

Look for another job. Look for a place were they treat you with respect. Please don’t let treat you like that.


I understand you might need the job, the money, but I think you really need to quit that job. Your principles and sanity are more important than a pay day. And if you're living a civilised society, you can actually report your boss for emotional abuse/negligence.

Stories like this piss me off! I needed to calm down to prevent overreacting. Now that I've calmed down, I think the rational actions to take are torch her house or slip rat poison into her coffee. Sorry about your dog.

TechiCB 1

Look for another job. Look for a place were they treat you with respect. Please don’t let treat you like that.

TechiCB 1

Look for another job. Look for a place were they treat you with respect. Please don’t let treat you like that. Let them fire you so you can claim unemployment. Appearing depressing after a death in your family is not a good reason to fire someone.

anyssa181 2

That’s some bullshit….I mean I get it you need a job…but you also have a heart. I’d quit that job….sounds like it’s no fun anyways

mccuish 25

I’d walk the **** out of this was me

Jon Tessler 14

your boss is a heartless biatch, also threatening to fire you, based solely on your mental health status is BS. you should walk up to her and say "remember when you threatened to fire me, well don't bother, I QUIT". Then go get unemployment, and a job that treats you with respect. oh yeah and also talk to a labor lawyer, and file a complaint with the labor department.

Charlie Coffman_1920149595 18

if the poster lives in america, they can't get unemployment if they quit.

When you have a job, your emotional baggage gets left at the door. While the boss was callous and rude, they are right about your attitude at work.