Sorry dude

By EatYourGreens - 21/08/2021 06:01 - Australia - Augustine Heights

Today, my four year-old very loudly asked me if the little person she saw at the shops was like that because he didn't eat his vegetables. He definitely heard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 858
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It would have been great if he said yes. You'd never have to hear your kid complain about veggies again. If he did that, you ought to buy him a drink ... or a step stool.

Do you live in Emporium, VA? I feel like a giant when I go there.


It would have been great if he said yes. You'd never have to hear your kid complain about veggies again. If he did that, you ought to buy him a drink ... or a step stool.

Do you live in Emporium, VA? I feel like a giant when I go there.

elsa1100 7