By Katyness - 10/05/2016 20:20 - United Kingdom

Today, the canteen of the company I work for introduced a cash-less payment method to purchase food. To use it, employees must download the app, which is only available for iPhones. I have a BlackBerry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 011
You deserved it 3 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MetalxSoldier 26

If you get hungry you could always eat your blackberry. *waits for downvotes*

As a developer, I find this so annoying just because whenever something is launched - multiple platforms are always considered, especially if it's going live instantly. I completely get testing with one platform. But having working system that targets only specific users.. Really careless.


Maybe talk to the concerned person and work it out?

As a developer, I find this so annoying just because whenever something is launched - multiple platforms are always considered, especially if it's going live instantly. I completely get testing with one platform. But having working system that targets only specific users.. Really careless.

you sir, are a smart developer to think that way. many people don't see it that way and just decide to bash the other platforms

Kristoffer 35

My company develops employee apps for iPhone and Android. I'm actually in the beta program for two of those apps. They're useless to anyone but Swift truck drivers, but to us drivers they're quite useful.

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That is true and I hate when a special privilege is put in place. However, that's probably how they save money. If everyone had an iPhone, they would have to wait longer and get less money on the spot. It really sucks...

Guess you either have to bring your own food or always have cash. It sucks that the app is exclusive. I hate it when people do things like that. It's unfair to the percentage of people to whom those exclusions don't apply.

Card or cash still a option? Lol what if you forget your phone and can't eat .That sucks but most new apps and stuff is usually just apple and android now.

Yeah, but this is Apple exclusive currently, according to OP. Even Android users, with more current phones than OPs Blackberry, are getting screwed here.

Actually, Blackberry makes an android phone. It's called the Priv. I'm currently using it even.

MetalxSoldier 26

If you get hungry you could always eat your blackberry. *waits for downvotes*

Not gonna lie, that was actually a pretty good joke!

Kristoffer 35

blackberries are better than apples. and some of the new ones are androids.

KrazyKatz3 26
MetalxSoldier 26

If you get hungry you could always eat your blackberry. *waits for downvotes*

They'll see a decline in sales and have to go back, I hope. That does suck, especially if you don't also want to use up all your data on food.

Bring lunch? It'd suck if you forgot tho OP.

Get with the winning team, hoe! No but really, who the hell still uses a Blackberry?

including the current president of the United States

Kristoffer 35

Lots of people. When I went in to Verizon to get a new phone, they had a BlackBerry phone (at least one, possibly more). The one I saw was running Android, so it's not like a niche market anymore.

Unless a company is providing their employees with smartphones, I don't see why they would assume that everyone is using the same operating system.