Classic fraud

By Anonymous - 28/04/2023 15:00 - Australia

Today, I went on a date with a guy I had been talking to online for weeks. When I showed up, he looked nothing like his profile picture, and he spent the entire time talking about his ex-girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 788
You deserved it 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sux. consider having them send you a picture of them in a specific pose while holding a paper with your name written on it. Then also- do a video chat.

If they show up not looking like their photo (I don’t mean older or heavier from their photo), that’s when I say “nope” and leave. If they want to start a relationship on a lie, I won’t be there for it.


That sux. consider having them send you a picture of them in a specific pose while holding a paper with your name written on it. Then also- do a video chat.

If they show up not looking like their photo (I don’t mean older or heavier from their photo), that’s when I say “nope” and leave. If they want to start a relationship on a lie, I won’t be there for it.

The good thing about a bad date is you don’t have to see them again. If they don’t get the message - block them… In a way I feel a little sorry for the guy. He’s oblivious to the well know rule that you don’t talk about you ex on a date. And also dumb enough to not realize you don’t start a relationship based on a lie - And a lying picture is a really poor lie since that’s obvious at a glance.