Coming or going

By almost governmental - 05/09/2014 22:02 - United Kingdom - Peterborough

Today, I got a call about a job interview, saying I was hired. I was ecstatic, until they called me back and said they'd called the wrong applicant. They called again later, saying there'd been a mistake and I really was hired. When I went in to confirm it, they said they'd never heard of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 634
You deserved it 3 078

Same thing different taste

Foot in mouth syndrome

By Anonymous - 05/05/2024 12:00 - United States - Seattle

Today, I had an interview for a pretty interesting job. Everything was going smoothly until I referred to their company by the wrong name, not once, but three times. They politely corrected me each time, but I could see the resentment in their eyes, especially because it was the name of their main competitor. I probably won't be getting the job, huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 90
You deserved it 736

Top comments

Sounds like that company needs to get their stuff together. But sorry OP. Hope you find a good job one day.


maggiefox 25

Sounds like they may close soon of they handle the rest of their business like that. Be glad for the saved trouble in the long run OP.

orsombre_fml 11

Sounds like a prank. Whoever did it is no friend of you, I am sorry for you OP :-(

As frustrating as all of that was, it sounds like you would have probably been even more frustrated trying to get any work done being employed there. You will find somewhere better to work, don't worry! :)

You don't want to work for a disorganized company anyway.

PUNKKKEEEDDDD ! But sorry OP that does suck. good Luck finding a Job, I know it's tough out there.

"We've never heard of you. We have your number, but we've never heard of you." Seems legit.

Kn0wledge123 21

Wow. Company sounds hella disorganized. You might not wanna work for them anyway OP