Body clock

By what - 03/09/2023 08:00

Today, I decided to turn over a new leaf. I slept eleven hours instead of twelve, with the intention of cutting down to eight. Instead, my body chose to faint from exhaustion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 538
You deserved it 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you spoken to a doctor about this? Because sleeping 12 hours is A LOT, and passing out from one (1) hour of sleep less than usual is even less normal.

Follow what your body says. That 7 to 9 hours figure just represents the fat part of the bell curve. You could be part of one of the narrow tails.


Have you spoken to a doctor about this? Because sleeping 12 hours is A LOT, and passing out from one (1) hour of sleep less than usual is even less normal.

Follow what your body says. That 7 to 9 hours figure just represents the fat part of the bell curve. You could be part of one of the narrow tails.

You…uh, might want to go get checked out and have a sleep study.

I just wish I could sleep for that long. for once I haven't been able to for years.

You're not being lazy, you're sick. Go see a doctor.