Coming or going

By almost governmental - 05/09/2014 22:02 - United Kingdom - Peterborough

Today, I got a call about a job interview, saying I was hired. I was ecstatic, until they called me back and said they'd called the wrong applicant. They called again later, saying there'd been a mistake and I really was hired. When I went in to confirm it, they said they'd never heard of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 634
You deserved it 3 078

Same thing different taste

Foot in mouth syndrome

By Anonymous - 05/05/2024 12:00 - United States - Seattle

Today, I had an interview for a pretty interesting job. Everything was going smoothly until I referred to their company by the wrong name, not once, but three times. They politely corrected me each time, but I could see the resentment in their eyes, especially because it was the name of their main competitor. I probably won't be getting the job, huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 90
You deserved it 736

Top comments

Sounds like that company needs to get their stuff together. But sorry OP. Hope you find a good job one day.


When one door closes another opens! Even if that door was closed a few too many times....

would rather be unemployed than work there. theyd probally forget your check.

It sounds like you dodged a bullet. You'd probably run into all kinds of trouble working for a company that disorganized.

I wouldn't want to work there anyway after shit like that

Sounds like you could definitely do better. Good luck on the job hunt!

OP you dodged a bullet. This sounds like the kind of place where the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing... not in a good way. Best of luck in your job search!

I would be so confused and disappointed. :/

They need to organize better hope you get a job soon OP