Classic escape plan

By Amanda - 31/12/2023 15:00 - United States

Today, I was talking to a guy I liked. He was dumped so he was ranting about how there's no good girls left. I mustered up some courage and told him I was a good girl and that I would treat him right, at which point he pretended to have an emergency phone call and abruptly left. He talked to his lock screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 601
You deserved it 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unfortunately, not everyone we like is going to like us romantically. For it to work it has to be mutual. That's part of what makes relationships so tricky. Kudos to you OP for trying, now you know that you are just not his type so you are going to have to keep looking... I think that one of the biggest mistakes people looking for a relationship make is to become fixated on one person who just isn't in to them. That will keep you from noticing someone else who might be a better fit. Yes, we have to try and put our best face forward, but in the end you have to be yourself and if that person is just not appealing to someone you have to move on. It doesn't matter male, female, or however you describe yourself, we're not going to be a match for everyone. And don't believe in "the one" there are multiple potential matches out there - It's just a case of some being a better fit or not.

I feel like you deserved this to be honest. The guy was obviously still cut up about his ex and felt like you were a safe place to vent, you then turn that into an opportunity to ask this man out when he’s already made its obvious hes not emotionally available! Stop being a beg and just be a needed ear.. not every situation is an opportunity


Unfortunately, not everyone we like is going to like us romantically. For it to work it has to be mutual. That's part of what makes relationships so tricky. Kudos to you OP for trying, now you know that you are just not his type so you are going to have to keep looking... I think that one of the biggest mistakes people looking for a relationship make is to become fixated on one person who just isn't in to them. That will keep you from noticing someone else who might be a better fit. Yes, we have to try and put our best face forward, but in the end you have to be yourself and if that person is just not appealing to someone you have to move on. It doesn't matter male, female, or however you describe yourself, we're not going to be a match for everyone. And don't believe in "the one" there are multiple potential matches out there - It's just a case of some being a better fit or not.

dongdong xiang 10

what a spineless jerk. Forget him OP. He can’t recognize what he has in front of him even if it’s slapping him accross his sorry ass face? **** it. no wonder he got dumped. you dodged a huge bullet. find someone else who won’t act like an immature ******* asswipe

I feel like you deserved this to be honest. The guy was obviously still cut up about his ex and felt like you were a safe place to vent, you then turn that into an opportunity to ask this man out when he’s already made its obvious hes not emotionally available! Stop being a beg and just be a needed ear.. not every situation is an opportunity