By Darkheaven - 17/11/2008 11:27 - France

Today, I was in an online chatroom speaking to this girl that I really hit it off with. She then confided in me that she'd recently been dumped by her boyfriend and that he was a jerk. A little while later, we exchanged photos. It was my ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 477
You deserved it 9 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MSJ91 1

Sounds like a nice coincidence to me. There's nothing like falling for the same person again.

biggee531 7

A rather unfortunate event i think. Everything is funny in retrospect though ;)


biggee531 7

A rather unfortunate event i think. Everything is funny in retrospect though ;)

You'd think you'd be able to recognize her by her name and location, or at least suspect? How much info was exchanged before you actually swapped photos?

MSJ91 1

Sounds like a nice coincidence to me. There's nothing like falling for the same person again.

aww when you put it like that it sounds cute :')

Right? If you're really hitting it off with your ex, maybe you should reevaluate things with her and give it another chance.

That does make a lot of sense... You fell in love with them for a reason right?

Grimm665 0
altatude13 0

wow. and the cycle continues. boy meets girl, girl dumps boy, boy goes on the internet bored out of his mind and manages to hook up with the girl that he broke up with. thats ridiculous!

good call EMS.. i was about to say the exact same thing