Chill out Jen

By Anonymous - 23/08/2019 16:00

Today, I was at an outdoor market with my family. We'd had dinner and were about to leave when two women stood next to our table, smoking. We called out to let them know they could have it, as we were leaving. They thought we were complaining about the smoke. They yelled at us and stormed off, while the other tables stared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 457
You deserved it 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They thought you complained about not wanting lung cancer? I would. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Their loss, I would have been subtly complaining about the smoke. Far too many smokers don't give a crap about the non-smokers around THEM. I don't appreciate smoke in my face.


They thought you complained about not wanting lung cancer? I would. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Gee, never knew before that you can now finally purchase dining surfaces that have working eyeballs.... But are they 20/20 yet? [--Channeling RichardPencil] ;-)

Their loss, I would have been subtly complaining about the smoke. Far too many smokers don't give a crap about the non-smokers around THEM. I don't appreciate smoke in my face.

it goes both ways, non-smokers that goes over to smokers and then complain. there's this new understanding that if you smoke your worth less and should not be allowed out :( very hurtful

bass_ftp 12

Smokers being careless idiots. In other news, grass is green.