Chill out, Cathy

By creepystalkerguy - 14/10/2009 18:19 - United States

Today, a woman yelled at me to stop following her around the store. We were in IKEA. The only way to get through the store is to follow the arrows through a one-way path. Apparently, no one informed her of this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 781
You deserved it 2 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IKEA A one-way maze you can still get lost in.

Why didn't YOU inform her of this? Weren't there other people "following" her as well?


Point to a random person around her and say you were following them. That would take care of her ego and shut her up (or it'll get you reported and arrested, but life is full of risks =D).

Uh? Have you been in IKEA? There's literally no other way to go. The whole store might as well be a narrow hallway that runs in a circle.

wuhangdilly 0
Ajjas013 6

Haha just go ahead of her. I hate Ikea it's so boring!

98xploder 0

who follows the arrows anyway? not me.

Ikeas' have "paths"? I've only been to one in Illinois, but you could go anywhere you wanted, no arrows involved.....

Ikeas' have "paths"? I've only been to one in Illinois, but you could go anywhere you wanted, no arrows involved.....

luvbird1 0

someone was on there period wernt they! thats what i would have said

shouldnt she be writing this FML not you, you should be laughing your asssss of!