By alostr1 - 06/02/2015 17:32 - United States

Today, while in the waiting room at the dentist's, some kids were running and screaming. One of them stopped right beside me, turned to face me, and threw up in my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 529
You deserved it 2 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have puked all over the kid, involuntarily of course. I've got a weak stomach when it comes to puke...

It's annoying how some parents don't control their kids when they are running around, screaming.


I would have puked all over the kid, involuntarily of course. I've got a weak stomach when it comes to puke...

It's annoying how some parents don't control their kids when they are running around, screaming.

That's exactly why I will take my children to obedience class when they are little. "Sit! Stay... Good girl." *gives a cookie*

No! Bad girl! No dig! *Aggressively clicks training clicker, with a butt hurt frown of disapproval*

I prefer to spray my child with a water bottle . Positive enforcement with treats like Cheeze-its

marcmaralou 15

my mom did too... when she was raising my sister and me, if we did any shit like that, she would grab us and leave. we cried... a lot... but we learned fast

This is the best thing I have read all day!!!! Hahaha

That kid definitely knew what he was doing, feel sorry for you OP.

bryce0110 23

I can't really imagine that...

An entire room. You'd think he'd find a better puking spot than your lap.

Kids are just the worst sometimes. And the parents are usually the reason.

Not all the time. Do you think its some parents fault that their child becomes mass murderers? Some influence is the people that the child hangs out with but sometimes those "friends" look like nice kids.

Yeah, the word "usually" is there for a reason.

At least he's already at the dentist, knock the little ***** teeth out

That's a bit extreme don't you think?

Then steal the teeth for illicit tooth fairy money!!

Who cares about extremities, here? It's not like they won't be losing them all soon, anyway.

Some parents really need to get their shit together with their children. Sorry OP!