Catchy turn of phrase

By boinger - 03/06/2009 05:23 - United States

Today, I meant to express to my friends that I was enamored with a young saleswoman I had encountered at a store. I wanted to tell them that she was quite petite and that I am, in general, attracted to petite women. Instead I said, "You know? I like little girls." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 361
You deserved it 61 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You're right, That totally sucks. But it is hilarious


#36: He didn't say that he was *only* interested in a certain type of woman, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with preferring one type over another. That doesn't mean that he doesn't find others attractive, simply that he does find this one attractive. #53: "Ravish" can mean something entirely different, though.

Hey this guy is obviously a non-English speaker (as I am). Such mistakes can easily happen. Still, YDI!!

I'm only 5' tall and often refer to myself as "little" so I can easily see how this could happen :) very amusing.

Pretty much all men prefer us girls to be petite, whether they admit it or not. Ordinary girls don't want to hear that though because they'd rather believe the sweet little nothing lies that men tell to score points in hopes of getting 'some'. I think it's quite comical to watch a man claim to 'like some meat on the bones' and then see what he chooses to admire most on the screen when all the friends have get togethers at someone's house or the movies. Makes me smile. Petite always wins. /flameshield on

Capnstinkfoot 0

I think you were subconciously speaking

Don't be a pussy. That's not even close to a fyl.

krisFrAnHeehar 0

**crickets chirp**..........................................................(pedophile).................

Well most women are just as immature as girls so I'm sure they knew what you intended to say!

emsinorom 0

It's ok I've said dumb stuff like that too. It happens all the time