Today, my job offer from 2 weeks ago was rescinded. My "new boss" didn't like my last performance review. I'd spent 30 hours preparing a case study for the second interview. He wants me to be a "standup guy" and withdraw my application voluntarily, so HR doesn't have to get involved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 319
You deserved it 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go ahead and let HR get involved or ask him to be a "stand up guy" and honor his job offer to you.

HighasaCloud 46

No, **** him. Let HR get involved. He inconveniences you and wants you to help him? That's like a burglar who asks you not to call the cops when you catch him because he doesn't want to get arrested.


Go ahead and let HR get involved or ask him to be a "stand up guy" and honor his job offer to you.

it means his boss doesn't wanna give him the job, and wants the poster to say he doesn't want it

HighasaCloud 46

No, **** him. Let HR get involved. He inconveniences you and wants you to help him? That's like a burglar who asks you not to call the cops when you catch him because he doesn't want to get arrested.

More like aSks you to get the door or help vEry your TV out of your own place.

The fact that he wants you to dissapear without HR knowing about it, and such a non-commital reason for not hiring you after all...I wonder if there's a reason he doens't want to hire you that he doesn't want to say outloud. Like he doesn't like your nose, or something stupid.

KaywinnetLeeFrye 15

I would guess it's more like he wants to give it to his buddy. Screw that guy.

Given the political climate, it could be the OP is of Arab/Indian decent and the boss is being a bigot. But that's just speculation.

Never do that. You'll forfeit all your legal rights.

mermaidgirle 12

Oh no, I'd want them to get involved.

Oh no no no!! Do get them involved!! Don't let this f**ker of a boss stuff you around and force you to give up all your legal employment rights too! Don't do it! It's a trap!

Your boss is a ******* asshole Op. Go to HR and get them involved.

Don't. Make HR get involved and see why he didn't want that. If nothing else, you'll probably get a laugh out of it.