Catchy turn of phrase

By boinger - 03/06/2009 05:23 - United States

Today, I meant to express to my friends that I was enamored with a young saleswoman I had encountered at a store. I wanted to tell them that she was quite petite and that I am, in general, attracted to petite women. Instead I said, "You know? I like little girls." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 361
You deserved it 61 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You're right, That totally sucks. But it is hilarious


dumbass3 0
BlumpkinDinner 0
theillusionary 0

As long as nobody else said "Me too!", youre good.

k8it43dancer 0
soccergirl37 0

This is one of the most hilarious things on here.

soccergirl37 0

#40- seriously. Why is everyone always so downing on everyone? Why can't you just accept that this is actually funny? I'm sure he deserved it, because NO ONE ever messes up their speech.

laala_23 0

Haha too funny! Sometimes we don't exactly say what we mean!

stick it in soft, let it get hard and listen to the bones break.