Camping out

By Baggabbles123 - 08/06/2009 23:24 - Canada

Today, I was camping. Me and this really cute girl were hitting it off real nice. It was the last night so we both headed over to my tent to have sex. I was just about to get it in when a raccoon ripped my tent, causing the girl to scream and run away. I got cockblocked by a raccoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 332
You deserved it 9 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A raccoon interrupted you getting beaver, eh?


jncwmnd 0

haha #35 but this is why you don't have sex while camping....who wants mosquito bites on their ass? at least it was a raccoon though and not a serial killer ^_^

@25/37: Technically a ***** gets paid. Sex was over-sanctified by the Victorians, it's just a shame society has chosen that one aspect to not move on from. @poster: FYL but bloody hilarious all the same!

ChefBoy6382 0

Raccoon? when did they stop being scared of humans, i thought we topped the food chain. Good story though...

jncwmnd 0

#43..maybe this particular raccoon had marked its territory and wasn't about to let 2 humans fool around in his spot

touchmeteaseme 0

37, you don't have to go get laid but you should get off your high horse, like 27 said. Your opinion is your opinion but WOW, not a damn person cares. If you don't agree with premarital sex then don't have it and mind your own business. This is FML not an abstinence awareness site.

whoa- did you have sex with the raccoon after?

mehwhateverr you do need to get off your high horse. i would never have sex with someone im not in love with but that doesnt give me the right to look down on other people who just hook up. you dont know what other people have gone through or what their lives are like, so dont judge them. you calling people ****** for having sex in high school is like other people calling you prude for being abstinent. its rude and ignorant. to the OP: thats hilarious haha

jmar87 0

Just think of it this way--you'd totally survive in a horror movie.

ZiggyMorrison 0

can someone say BLUEEEE BALLSS