Call CPS

By lyss - 16/02/2014 22:44 - United States - Pottsville

Today, I went to pick up my goddaughter while her mother went to work. She was being fussy, and I was surprised when she was quiet in the car; I just figured she'd fallen asleep. I got to my house and realized I'd never put her in my car, she was still sitting in my friend's driveway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 380
You deserved it 49 889

Same thing different taste


Ikr f#cking idiot, I mean how do you not notice some one that you were told to pick not being in your car?

revan546 24

Out of sight out of mind OP lol

see, what i dont get is: he said he thought it was odd she was so quiet, but he didn't instinctively look in the rear view mirror to check?

You would figure the lack of noise would be your first clue...

OP takes "keep your eyes on the road" quite seriously!

seriously though she couldn't look back to check

Even IF she really had her eyes glued on the road, how do you not turn around to check your blind spot when making turns or switching lanes, or look at your rearview mirror ONCE the whole trip? This FML told me OP is both careless with children AND driving. Impressive...

Especially if your car is not normally set up for children it's easy to not see a child"just" from turning around if they are in the seat surely behind you so not seeing the child missing during a blind shot check is understandable. That being said not checking on the child when noticing they are quiet is unacceptable. Good thing the car seat was not placed on the roof or trunk

59 not everyone has a rear view mirror. the could only have side mirrors.

How do you not have a rear view mirror? Pretty sure that's required by law. Could be wrong but never heard not having one before.

What I don't get is why OP left. So go to pick someone up, you don't hear the car door open and close and you yourself did not put the kid on the car.... did OP just drive up to the house, stay there for a minute, then drive off? The only thing I can think of is that you actually were inside the house for a while, then when it was time to leave, you just forgot the kid.

Yeah I posted it when I was the first rating then I typed the comment and when I posted it showed the other guys comment. FML.

I don't even think OP know's how this happened.

WD_Stevens 22

David Cameron left his daughter in a bar...

#74, yes and David Cameron is utter scum. Fires thousands of police officers, during two riots, and privatizes Englands health care. Now we have no doctors, officers, firefighter, an 800% increase in violent crime compared to USA, more knife crime than South Africa, and more rapes than ever before. I don't think it's that surprising he'd get so drunk, that he forgets his own daughter behind in a pub.

slytherbitch 15

My grandparents forgot me in the car once when I was a baby. They were headed into a restaurant, they weren't used to having a baby with them, and I was being quiet... Though they remembered me before they made it to the restaurant doors. This is definitely more extreme than that though.

How do you not realize she isn't in the car??

Always check to make sure the child is in the car. Always. Poor thing must have been scared to heck. YDI.

cryssycakesx3 22

not in defense of OP, because there is no defense, but hopefully the child was young enough to not notice.

I belive any child old enough to stand on their own feet would notice. I really feel most sorry for the poor child here.

Because a child isn't going to notice being left alone on a driveway. My 8 month old notices when I leave the room for 2 minutes

when it's quiet you know something is up! Don't worry, when she's older this will be a funny story you can tell her OP!

thatkidmal 15
Sammi0116 17

How do you not notice you left the child?

Fagologyy 12

how do are you even trusted with a child? and how in the world are you a godmother?

FYI, you don't need to know how to be a parent to be a godparent. Neither of mine were parents before they became my godparents.

FYI, a godparent is the person designated to care for a child if something happens to the parents. So, yes, a godparent does need some parenting skills. It doesn't mean they have to already be parents, but they should be responsible enough to not leave a small child alone in a driveway.

FYI, the godparents are technically only responsible for the child's religious education. If the parents have a will then they can designate who they want to be responsible if something happens to them but otherwise it's the closest living family members responsibility.

Actually in my culture the godparents are responsible for the kids when the parents are incapable and their is no just religious education.

My parents were always nervous about this so they'd always ask if I was there if I was being quiet