
By Anonymous - 06/05/2021 16:59

Today, I'm officially fat enough I have to lift my belly out of the way to get to my zipper when I need to pee in public toilets. I hate myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 757
You deserved it 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

VnD 12

But hating yourself won't achieve a thing for you, rather than investing in your hate with yourself, start thinking about how you can turn your life around with exercise, trust me, you'll start loving yourself, this coming from a former fat, huge person, exercise turned my life around.

My friend, today is a new day. It took time to get to this point, it will take time to get where you will not feel that way. I started only drinking water, cut down on carbs and starches and started snacking on fruits and nuts and weight started to disappear. Remember, every day is a new day and new opportunity


VnD 12

But hating yourself won't achieve a thing for you, rather than investing in your hate with yourself, start thinking about how you can turn your life around with exercise, trust me, you'll start loving yourself, this coming from a former fat, huge person, exercise turned my life around.

Way to go! congrats on your success. I'm down almost 80lbs since May of last year!

My friend, today is a new day. It took time to get to this point, it will take time to get where you will not feel that way. I started only drinking water, cut down on carbs and starches and started snacking on fruits and nuts and weight started to disappear. Remember, every day is a new day and new opportunity

Don't hate yourself. you CAN fix this. I've lost 78 pounds in the last 11.5 months on Weight Watchers and starting a workout routine. I walked 30 minutes briskly when u started and worked up to where I am now. You CAN get healthy. You just have to make it a priority. seriously, look into WW and be more active. Hating yourself won't give you a better life, caring about yourself enough to fix this will!!!