Foiled by genetics

By Anonymous - 07/02/2024 05:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I was chatting with my optician and it came up that eye colour is determined by parents eye colour, such as how blue and brown-eyed parents can’t make a green-eyed baby. My wife and I are blue and brown. Our 6 year-old has green eyes. I confronted her and she admitted she'd had an affair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 973
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kaelyn _Micanna 6

that's not true. Even If both Patents have Brown eyes there IS a chance of getting a Green eyed Baby. blue eye genes are Not dominant so you might have the genes for blue eyes, but not blue eyes. If you have the passiv blue in your genes you can have a Baby with blue, Green or Brown eyes. The chances are low, but there are chances.

I will never understand how someone can cheat and then just continue their daily lives like nothing happened. For so many years, living with the person you are keeping such a secret from. I just can't understand how people do that


🫂 Please think carefully here. I know the emotions are absolutely horrible but if you do actually love that little girl then DNA isn't requisite to being her father. If, however, you now can't stand the sight of her then please, end things fast, clean and walk away. Don't put the kid through hell just because her mother is a Cnut.

Kaelyn _Micanna 6

that's not true. Even If both Patents have Brown eyes there IS a chance of getting a Green eyed Baby. blue eye genes are Not dominant so you might have the genes for blue eyes, but not blue eyes. If you have the passiv blue in your genes you can have a Baby with blue, Green or Brown eyes. The chances are low, but there are chances.

I will never understand how someone can cheat and then just continue their daily lives like nothing happened. For so many years, living with the person you are keeping such a secret from. I just can't understand how people do that

Wadlaen 23

Even though you aren't the biological father, you are the legal father, and just as people manage to love and raise adopted children I really think you should think it through before you do anything in this situation, as it will affect all three of you. And it's quite possible that you and your wife can get through this as a couple, with some work

thefakesnake 1

I think eyes are a bit more complicated. Brown + green = hazel (x2), and both have been confirmed via 23andMe.

I've heard that if there are green eyes in the family, the baby could get them even if neither parent has them. Same with any color, honestly. But regardless, it sucks that your wife had an affair, OP. However, DNA isn't what makes a father. If you've raised this child as your own to the best of your ability, loved and cared for him/her, etc., that makes them your child, DNA be damned.