Bunch of freeloaders...

By Anonymous - 12/02/2017 18:00 - United States - Spring Hill

Today, after having my Wi-Fi unlocked for two years, I decided to lock it since it was running slowly. Everybody in my apartment building came to my door and asked me why I did it. I've been unknowingly providing free Wi-Fi to the entire building for years, but now that it's protected I'm getting constant dirty looks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 859
You deserved it 3 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fun fact: that's technically illegal. To look more like an asshole, call the cops on everyone!

Unlocked means password free. Did you not think people weren't going to treat you like a Starbucks?


Unlocked means password free. Did you not think people weren't going to treat you like a Starbucks?

It"s illegal to use someone's wifi without permission

I'm more worried that he might have had a data cap on it, because they'll charge for the extra data.

Because that's really going to stop people.

Fun fact: that's technically illegal. To look more like an asshole, call the cops on everyone!

KFrankly 18

Its only illegal if its not password protected. Little thing called assumption of risk.

Tell them to get their own damn WiFi. You have absolutely no obligation to provide anyone with something that you pay for yourself.

Seriously you don't deserve their hate but you're still a complete moron

Profit off this! Find a guest WiFi provider and charge them for the privilege!

Tell them all to go **** themselves! The whole lot of them are nothing but a bunch of freeloading bastards and you don't owe them a thing. If anything they should be thanking you for the two years worth of free internet.

mariri9206 32

Did you honestly expect that no one else would use it if you didn't put a password on it? YDI. Also, having it unprotected opens you up to viruses, getting hacked, getting your identity stolen.

Where I am, if it is not password protected, it is not illegal to use it. As long as you are not "hacking into it", if it is open, it is free. People that leave it open here usually do it for people to bum off of. I am surprised you did not password protect it and are surprised people did use it.

In a place where people drive around neighborhoods looking for password free WiFi, I am not surprised at all that they were using it. Tell them to go to Burger King or anyone of the dozens of places that now offer free WiFi and to leave you alone. If they persist, get restraining orders or at least report them for harassment.

Where I am, if it is not password protected, it is not illegal to use it. As long as you are not "hacking into it", if it is open, it is free. People that leave it open here usually do it for people to bum off of. I am surprised you did not password protect it and are surprised people did use it.

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deathstroke990 22

this is the dumbest shit I've ever read

mariri9206 32

Their life doesn't suck for the way they're being treated - they deserve it for being an idiot and not protecting their WiFi. However, They should bill or sue them. They should not say anything about Trump because he is a fool whose is already ruining our country and he hasn't even been in office for a month yet.

because trump is doing such a great job right ?

mariri9206 32

Their life doesn't suck for the way they're being treated. They deserve it for not locking their WiFi - did they honestly expect no one to use their WiFi it they're not going to protect it? They should definitely bill them for using it, though. Also, Trump isn't a good idea to bring up or anything. He hasn't even been President for a month and already he's ruining our country.

mariri9206 32

Their life doesn't suck for the way they're being treated. They deserve it for not locking their WiFi - did they honestly expect no one to use their WiFi it they're not going to protect it? They should definitely bill them for using it, though. Also, Trump isn't a good idea to bring up or anything. He hasn't even been President for a month and already he's ruining our country.

mariri9206 32

Sorry for the multiple posts about this comment. It kept telling me it posted and then it disappeared. This update sucks. How did FML coders **** it up so much/so bad? It even sucks on the website. I honestly don't even know why they messed with it - there was nothing wrong with the app or website.

I wonder if you understand that Obama had nothing to do with this guys wifi having no password.