Shit tastes better when you're in love

By Anonymous - 17/03/2024 18:00 - United States

Today, I had to be the asshole who finally told one of our friends that his wife can't cook. This was after she tried to make fajitas using a third-rate premade sauce and processed ham, burned it, and stank up the entire house. He seemed shocked when we all agreed; he thought it was good. We all facepalmed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 455
You deserved it 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YOU didn't have to say shit. All you HAD to do was not eat her food. Stop pretending you did him a service by tearing down her efforts. Cook your own damn food instead.


YOU didn't have to say shit. All you HAD to do was not eat her food. Stop pretending you did him a service by tearing down her efforts. Cook your own damn food instead.