
By Alwayspotato - 11/07/2020 05:02

Today, I was cuddling with my boyfriend, he had his head on my chest and we both fell asleep. Suddenly, I woke up by my boyfriend biting my nipple, hard, in his sleep. I now need to go to the pharmacy because of a bleeding nipple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 535
You deserved it 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

leaaaa 223 6

Sounds like he reverted back to a baby while asleep 😂

Mooglefox 23

Make sure you stop in the baby department for a pacifier.


leaaaa 223 6

Sounds like he reverted back to a baby while asleep 😂

Mooglefox 23

Make sure you stop in the baby department for a pacifier.

oh great dream nyrsing he might have some problems even he isn't aware of

jgiles09 17
diraven 15

It's probably time to start him on solid food