Beauty standards

By Anonymous - 08/05/2023 03:00

Today, my boyfriend snuck up behind me while I was naked and whispered in my ear to bend over. I thought this was a lead up to doggy style but nope, he slapped a waxing strip on my exposed bum hole and ran off yelling, “No more hairy hole! No more hairy hole!” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 679
You deserved it 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm trying not to laugh because ouch... If you are planning on keeping him, payback is required. Slap a strip under his balls the next time you go down on him.

That is assault and you can press charges. At the very least, dump the manchild.


That is assault and you can press charges. At the very least, dump the manchild.

I'm trying not to laugh because ouch... If you are planning on keeping him, payback is required. Slap a strip under his balls the next time you go down on him.

Hairy buttholes can be distracting. Your guy did you a favor

I hope he is now an ex-boyfriend. Nobody has a right to do something like that without permission!