By TheCure - 01/05/2017 21:00 - France - Paris

Today, I forgot to pick up my grandmother at the train station. My mother was livid. My father, moved, told me, “for the first time in my life, I’m proud of you.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 697
You deserved it 719

Top comments

LudA9844 11

Clearly grandmother must be your father's mother-in-law as he's clearly happy about this while your mother isn't.


LudA9844 11
That_Lonely_Guy 1

Clearly grandmother must be your father's mother-in-law as he's clearly happy about this while your mother isn't.

Cyberpope 3

If you're a son, good job on following the Man Code! That's not really a FML, more like, "Yay me; look what I did!" ;)

Have you heard any of the millions of mother-in-law jokes that go around? Your story could be the basis of some new ones!