Bad omen

By KaRaBeAr24 - 16/03/2022 23:00 - United States

Today, I got hit and totaled my new car, on my way to get married, with my fiancé and kids in the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 152
You deserved it 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so sorry that happened to you I hope everybody is okay and congratulations on your upcoming marriage.

Jon Tessler 14

the car can be replaced. at least you didn't say anyone was seriously hurt or worse. I hope you went ahead with the wedding, also congrats,your life can only get better from here.


so sorry that happened to you I hope everybody is okay and congratulations on your upcoming marriage.

Jon Tessler 14

the car can be replaced. at least you didn't say anyone was seriously hurt or worse. I hope you went ahead with the wedding, also congrats,your life can only get better from here.

Mysterious_one 26

we have a saying in our country "if something have a price tag, then it's replaceable, friends and loved ones aren't" I hope all of you are well and in great health