Leaking all over the place

By JR. - 08/08/2020 20:02

Today, my nearly ex-husband called in a panic so I could come rescue the dogs, because he'd called 911 due to a gas leak at the house. I came over, after which the fire department and gas company took a look, and they found the issue. The dog. The dog had farted so bad, it smelled like rotten eggs, and was mistaken for a gas leak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 606
You deserved it 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

If he calls you to go inside of potentially dangerous buildings that could kill you for him I can see why he is becoming your Ex.

They use methyl mercaptan and other thiols (sulfur containing compounds) to give it the distinctive smell. I worked with similar compounds in a lab and they run the gamut from "garlicy" to "natural gas" to "skunk" to "rotten garlic, wrapped in skunk musk, seasoned over a tire fire and injected directly into your nostrils."


coius 23

I thought they used a bitterant not sulphur smell

They use methyl mercaptan and other thiols (sulfur containing compounds) to give it the distinctive smell. I worked with similar compounds in a lab and they run the gamut from "garlicy" to "natural gas" to "skunk" to "rotten garlic, wrapped in skunk musk, seasoned over a tire fire and injected directly into your nostrils."

tounces7 27

If he calls you to go inside of potentially dangerous buildings that could kill you for him I can see why he is becoming your Ex.

jfigley 5

WTF do you feed him!?!? I'm assuming the dog doesn't normally smell like that when he farts so Im assuming you guys switched up his food or something and his body is reacting different.