Insurance is a scam

By leogs23 - 27/02/2021 16:58

Today, my fiancée wrecked my car so I had to use my other car to pick her up. Ten minutes after I did, my other car broke down in the middle of the road and I had to get it towed. My insurance covers none of these incidents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 870
You deserved it 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OrySoma 11

its more than likely because they don't carry full coverage on thier vehicle and if you don't have that insurance wont pay if you're at fault I learned that the hard way too

All the people with zero cars are sending you "thoughts and prayers."


All the people with zero cars are sending you "thoughts and prayers."

Normally I'd agree, but one person's struggles in life isn't outweighed by another's. The fact that OPs other car broke down half shows these vehicles could both possibly be extremely old. And the fact that the collision isn't taken care of could be they can't afford anything above basic coverage. Everyone has different struggles. OP and fiance could have shit health, whereas the person with no car could be very healthy. Not everything is black and white.

If the accident your partner had wasn't covered even if you were driving, that sucks, but if it was because they were driving, welllll still sucks but more avoidable. Also i guess you didn't do any upkeep on the second car?

OrySoma 11

its more than likely because they don't carry full coverage on thier vehicle and if you don't have that insurance wont pay if you're at fault I learned that the hard way too

A majority of insurances don't have car break-down coverages. That's like extra, bonus, cherry on top coverages. The car being totaled, it should and usually is covered by your insurance under your collision coverage whether it was you or your fiancé. As long as he/she has a license, and you have the proper collision coverage, you're fine. If there's some shit loophole, your insurance company are buttholes. If you have bare bones insurance just to be able to drive, then that was your choice to pick and not be completely covered in an accident.