By Anonymous - 07/10/2017 19:00 - United Kingdom - Poole

Today, I was chilling with my boyfriend of 2 years when, out of the blue and with complete seriousness, he asked me if I want kids anytime soon. This wouldn't be odd if we weren't both 14 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 771
You deserved it 581

Top comments

So how many kids does he want to try making?

Notmymonkeysnotmycircus 16

“Why yes I have been! I’m glad you said something! I thought I was crazy, How do you want yours? I’m thinking deep fried or barbecued but it’s totally up to your personal taste”


So how many kids does he want to try making?

thehaystackerine 20

When we had our first I was 25, my wife 27,we had been together for 9 years, married the last 2. At times I thought that WE were too young.

Notmymonkeysnotmycircus 16

“Why yes I have been! I’m glad you said something! I thought I was crazy, How do you want yours? I’m thinking deep fried or barbecued but it’s totally up to your personal taste”

really_dad? 14

Say yes! Get on Teen Mom and roll in the money

Tony Friddle 11

please don't listen to this moron.

really_dad? 14
ezrajab 22
Lobby_Bee 17

So the myths are true, baby crazy dudes do exists.

gobiteme2 34

Well at least he tried to talk to her. To many children having sex and not thinking about the consequences.