By Why Charlie!? WHY!? - 09/08/2018 13:00

Today, I woke up seeing my neighbor's 5-year-old daughter next to me. She said good morning and handed me a note from her dad saying that I owe him and he's cashing in. So, I'm babysitting as her parents escape to the Bahamas for 2 weeks. My annual 2 weeks vacation starts today too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 536
You deserved it 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report for child abandonment. With there being no prior agreement, you have no obligation to care for their child. They abandoned their child by leaving them behind to vacation in the Bahamas.

how did she get into the house?? why do you owe him? did he leave the day you got the note without agreeing?? so many questions


Report for child abandonment. With there being no prior agreement, you have no obligation to care for their child. They abandoned their child by leaving them behind to vacation in the Bahamas.

how did she get into the house?? why do you owe him? did he leave the day you got the note without agreeing?? so many questions

Pornstartled 14

Neighbour probably has a key & let her in.

If this is true you should go to the police with the kid. Chances are her parents are negligent bastards and she should be removed from their care

This situation is far beyond any I-owe-you scenario between neighbours. You have to go to the police because what they did to their daughter is not acceptable. Who the hell leaves their 5-year-old daughter at the mercy of a neighbour without planning and discussing everything in advance until a clear agreement has been reached?

Please report to authorities immediately! I don't know what your relationship with the neighbours is, but seriously, leaving your 5yo behind with no notice and no assurance that she will be taken care of accordingly, this is dangerous neglect and endangerment. This is a child, not a pet or a potted plant. I absolutely cannot believe this.

It's been said before and I'll say it again. Go to the police, that's child neglect.

blondie45 21

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Jeremy Strang 7

Stop posting online and call the damn cops. Now.

What terrible, boring solutions so far! You should enjoy your vacation by spoiling the kid and yourself rotten. Have ice cream for breakfast, get spa treatments, buy her toys all while mentioning what useless idiots her parents are. Then, see what happens when you give her back to them.

Finally, some reasonable suggestions!

sherbear86 21

You could always cal child services.