Bad Brains

By Anonymous - 25/05/2023 03:00

Today, I'm apparently on a "thinking ban." My wife and kids have banned me from starting any sentence with, “I think“ because it always leads to some sort of disaster, or accident, or expensive mistake, etc. So I'm no longer allowed to think because me thinking is dangerous for everybody. FML
I agree, your life sucks 306
You deserved it 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it really that “me thinking is dangerous for everybody” or were you shoving your thinking down their throats against their better judgment and this was their way of stopping you from doing so?

I cannot possibly vote without more info........


garamo 4

Try “I believe” instead!

I cannot possibly vote without more info........

I turned the thinking over to my wife years ago. That single act made my life easier and reduced arguments. Now I make OBSERVATIONS, which are almost always accurate and enjoy giving her credit for having good ideas.

Is it really that “me thinking is dangerous for everybody” or were you shoving your thinking down their throats against their better judgment and this was their way of stopping you from doing so?

Have you considered starting a YouTube channel? These days you can actually make money from doing stupid shit.

"I think, therefore I end up looking like a dumbass." - OP