
By Anonymous - 16/02/2021 14:01

Today, I was written up for bringing my son to work. For safety reasons, bringing kids to work is strictly prohibited. I don’t have any kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 277
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for bringing some random kid to work and passing him off as your son!

I hope you didn't sign the write up, you could have fought that


xxlk4xx 6

just wondering who clicked the ydi button 🤔

YDI for bringing some random kid to work and passing him off as your son!

I hope you didn't sign the write up, you could have fought that

Nhayaa 21

Even if OP signed it I think it's pretty easy to prove that they don't have kids so that this was a mistake...

I'd ask to see the video or call ghost hunters

peterblack67 9

If you don't have kids that's easily proven.

I need some back story they know you don't have kids? whose kid was it?

So is one of your co-workers laughing to themselves that they set you up, or was there some random kid on site, and your boss thought it was yours? Also, did you not contest the write-up? If somebody accuses me of being/doing wrong, I ask for proof before I accept the consequences.