Awkward small talk

By mybad - 25/08/2009 13:21 - United States

Today, a customer brought her kids into the store where I work. I like to make people laugh, so being my usual joking self I kidded, "Why aren't those kids in school?" She didn't laugh when she said that their house burned down the night before and the kids had no clothes to wear to school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 213
You deserved it 13 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looking at a six year old and going, "Wait, I thought college started today!" is funny. Asking, "Shouldn't they be in school?" is going to come across as nosy and/or passive-aggressive (or passive-snarky), even if you do it with a smile. YD a retort for your poor judgement, though FYL for the coincidence of the fire. @6: Their house burnt down the night before, they're going to be a little traumatized. I think they deserve the day off.


As if you could have known. FHL, not yours. #33 Not many people question a kid when they're with they're with an adult. Usually because there's a valid reason they're not in school if they're with their parents.

OMGitsKaleyxo 0
caltain 0

They were home schooled. They all use that one to prevent the issue of home schooling coming up. was she buying food? Clothing? Most people don't go shopping the day after their house burns. They go back to the house. friends, neighbors, churches and the government will give them the basics for a few weeks.

Actually, that's not quite true.. See, I would know. My house burned down about four years ago. We stayed with our neighbors for the night but the next day my parents were given vouchers from our insurance company for food and clothes. So unless you've been in a similar situation, please don't say 'most people.' If you have, sorry I jumped to conclusions about you ^.^ Anyway OP, I think it's neither an FYL or a YDI. Because you were just trying to be nice, but you were not exactly going about it the right way... Sooo... neither.

My parents and I went shopping for basic necessities the very night our house burned down. We didn't want to sleep in our muddy socks and dirty, uncomfortable clothing after watching our house burn for hours.

Meh, you can't be blamed. You really didn't deserve it.

renaet 0

bahahahaha i think she lied. what were they wearing in the store? pajamas?

I think that this is more of an FML for the kids whose house burnt down. "Who Cares" what happened to the clerk.

I doubt she was serious, who tells a random stranger that shit? I'd make something like that up, just for fun...

Just for fun ... Try Acually having your whole town burn down that you grew up in for 17 years. And people don't do it just for fun. For something as dramatic as that people do tell. I know it's been 2 Years and houses are still not built fully the kids came in nude? I'm sure they could have worn whatever they were wearing at the time to school for a day until they got new clothes.

mo_the_owl 0

I moderated this one and i modded it a NO this is a shitty FML