By DrunkParents - 31/03/2015 23:32 - United States - Billings

Today, a really drunk couple staggered into the store I work at. One of them yelled at me, "Hey you! Kid! Tell us where the booze is at!" This would have been funny if these people weren't my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 843
You deserved it 2 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtf is up with fml? the fmls are like not corrected before post anymore? like in this one there's a random loool???

Steffi3 40

Tell them 'Sorry, kids aren't allowed to sell alcohol'


you still showed them where the booze were right?

*You (sentences start with a capital) *was

im just keeping up with the fml april fools style bro:), no need to be a ****

wtf is up with fml? the fmls are like not corrected before post anymore? like in this one there's a random loool???

KornyKid 20

im guessing its for april fools.

Press Random, they've done it to literally every FML. That's dedication, I applaud you all

i have now realized the joke. such dedication i have to say.

fml staff is doing it on purpose...april fool

Steffi3 40

Tell them 'Sorry, kids aren't allowed to sell alcohol'

Why would it be funny if they weren't your parents?

you have some ****** up parents,tell em to stop drinking so much

I'm going to make a positive comment assuring OP that everything is okay, entirely lacking any context! Am I doing this April Fool's thing right?

The grammar is wrong because it's an April fools joke.

Lol..were you drunk when writing up this fml?