
By Anonymous - 08/05/2020 17:00

Today, I found out that most of the people I work with secretly refer to me as the "designated bottom" because they assumed from my slight stature and soft spoken personality that I was a submissive homosexual. My wife thinks it’s hilarious and keeps grabbing my ass to make me jump in shock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 963
You deserved it 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should report them to management or HR and mention the words “sexual harassment lawsuit.”

She's trying to de-sensitize you to butt play so you'll hold still while she pegs you.


She's trying to de-sensitize you to butt play so you'll hold still while she pegs you.

You should report them to management or HR and mention the words “sexual harassment lawsuit.”

That's harassment and it's generally frowned upon in workplaces. You might want to look into filing a complaint or quit if management is allowing it to go on.

you got to find the biggest guy in the office and In your house and then beat them up. prision rules.

Ladies and gentlemen, and variations thereupon, I give you Dr. Tobias Fünke, Analrapist.

julfunky 29

Hey, you have someone waiting to love you at home. Can they all say the same thing? Screw them, kids will be kids.