Occam's razor

By Anonymous - 23/05/2023 15:00

Today, I had a seizure, and as they were loading me into the ambulance, drooling on myself, I clearly heard my mother ask the ambulance crew if they’d mind swinging by the church on the way to the hospital, you know, in case it turns out I’m not sick, just possessed by the devil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 895
You deserved it 89

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, I am sorry that your Mom is an idiot or at least a religious zealot. I assume you probably still live there out of necessity… Some people are pretty much “normal” except for a few idiosyncrasies. I hope this is the case with your mom.

Why don't they call the church instead? The priest can hop in his Honda and perform the exorcism on site.


Why don't they call the church instead? The priest can hop in his Honda and perform the exorcism on site.

Please cut your mom out of your life one day. She's a toxic religious zealout. Those people are a nightmare and you'd bless yourself from departing from her permanently.

tiptoppc 19

My dad’s a zealous Jehovah’s Witness. Can confirm, it’s been a nightmare my ENTIRE life. And the reason my parents divorced right after I was born. My dad is a piece of crap who now has been cut off by all family members due to his zealous and controlling nature.

OP, I am sorry that your Mom is an idiot or at least a religious zealot. I assume you probably still live there out of necessity… Some people are pretty much “normal” except for a few idiosyncrasies. I hope this is the case with your mom.

Tell your mom you're an atheist, atheists are immune to demonic possession.