Asshats are everywhere

By hardtotell - 22/01/2010 00:45 - United States

Today, a man I don't know came up to me and started screaming about how "all you damn Mexicans were stealing American's jobs" and he stormed off. I'm Native American, and I'm pretty sure we've been here longer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 908
You deserved it 4 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who the **** voted that this guy deserved it? Show yourselves, you racist assholes.

You should have shouted back at him how "all you ******* english rejects come here and rape YOUR lands and people!" and then slapped him and walked away.


What these ignorant hillbilly republican ***** don't realize is that their ancestors came here from Europe, and stole the land from the natives. And not all Mexicans here are illegal immigrants.

He's probably gonna end up voting for trump ._.

Same here, I get this a lot to for being native american