Asshats are everywhere

By hardtotell - 22/01/2010 00:45 - United States

Today, a man I don't know came up to me and started screaming about how "all you damn Mexicans were stealing American's jobs" and he stormed off. I'm Native American, and I'm pretty sure we've been here longer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 906
You deserved it 4 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who the **** voted that this guy deserved it? Show yourselves, you racist assholes.

You should have shouted back at him how "all you ******* english rejects come here and rape YOUR lands and people!" and then slapped him and walked away.


martic835 2

Ignore his ignorance. People like that are just mad that they're on welfare and can't get anywhere in life.

The problem with this in the USA, is that those assholes are becoming a majority. It is very hard to explain to WASP that a country that is about 300 YO, founded by British immigrants (they are not only English, they are many many Irish !) cannot say anything about immigration rules or restriction whatsoever. I mean, do these people have actually read what the Statue of Liberty says ? But because nobody does anything about this, people keep having the right to be raised abd thinking and saying those stupid things.

Who the **** voted that this guy deserved it? Show yourselves, you racist assholes.

I accidentally clicked it :( My phone's screen is touchy, and I meant to hit "I agree, your life sucks"

Really hope you pointed that out to him, along with your middle finger. That was just an asshole maneauver on his part. FYL OP, you don't deserve to be treated like that. We're a nation of immigrants, aside from the native's that somehow white ppl feel justified in depopulating. The rest of us all came from somewhere else at some point.

Wow, that guy was a complete piece of shit and even if OP was mexican, he has just as much a right to be there as the guy who had a go at him, seeing as native mexicans were actually pushed south out of southern states into what is now mexico.

spiderman0606 0

Wait, there's a "New" Mexico??

spiderman0606 - dumbass. Coolsteve was saying that what is now 'mexico' was not always mexico... once upon a time it was just land. But now it has political borders and is called Mexico. And apparently native mexicans were once the native inhabitants of the southern states of america.

Invierno 10

Haha and in Utah! That goes to show what an idiot he was. Utah was part of Mexico. I'm certain Mexicans were there first too, even if it's not only their descendants that are currently there.

Was meant to be a reply to another comment, woops.

anela_fml 0

that's funny I get that kinda stuff I just tell em I'm one of the many other nationalities I have they usually sit there with a blank stare

one thing i love about racists in america is how they all hate foreigners coming to "their country" and stealing "their jobs" when to be honest if they bother to look a few hundered years back they'd find that THEY were the foreigners coming to SOMEONE ELSE'S country. The only people who are "truley" american are the native americans. BTW I'm not racist, anti-american or anything like that before anyone says anything lol (Y)

Hell, go back further than that and ultimately everyone is an immigrant bar a very, very small number of people in Africa. Most Americans are originally British, a good chunk of British people are originally Scandinavian... and you can keep tracing it back until you hit Pangaea and the origins of humanity. Sorry Xenophobes, you're immigrants too.

I think the concept of 'immigration' really only counts as far back as politically-determined country borders.

30 your right in a way but america has only been in control of "White Americans" for about 2-3 hundred years when the other countries have been controlled by the a nationality for a long long time :) also scotland and irish have originated from celts so they were there first too

The guy was obviously a moron but how about you drop the 'we' and 'you' thing and just remember you're all American.