Works out well

By Ann - 18/03/2013 14:36 - United States

Today, my boyfriend informed me that from now on during sex, I have to be on top at all times, saying I need the exercise more than him. As offensive as this was, I was actually happy because he's crap on top. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 507
You deserved it 9 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How about if you suggest that your BF take a hike? A long walk off a short pier perhaps? YDI if you stay with a guy who's both bad in bed AND an inconsiderate jerk-off!

Any person who makes any sexual demand without your agreement deserves no sex at all. Full stop.


ironik69 31

There is nothing wrong with being a thick chick!!! If he does not like it then tough stuff for his rude butt. If you're happy with yourself, then find someone else that will be happy with it too. Putting someone down is never okay...and I'm sorry, but its not funny either...for any of you out there who would try to justify it that maybe he was making a joke.

Pensu 12

Dude, if your boyfriend is suggesting that you climb on top of him, you are obviously not fat. He is, however, a dick.

you honestly deserve better, bad on top AND such a jerk..

You two need a serious talk; with lack of sexual communication and insults like that, you're heading for disaster.

thosedogtags 8

Well it's better that way because at least you know your skinny enough that he can handle your weight

Asshole. Worst way to ever bring up weight issues. I'd tell him ill be on top, not for the exercise but because of how bad you are. If he's going to be blunt.. Maybe you should too!!

AngelicTide 11

And there's your silver lining!!!