Word salad

By Mardy Shaber - 19/12/2020 20:02

Today, my dad was so dizzy, he couldn't get out of bed. I called his doctor but sadly I confused the word "vertigo" with "libido." The doctor may have been impressed but offered me no helpful suggestions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 659
You deserved it 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he gave you helpful suggestions about how to help your dad's libido, he'd probably lose his license!

When in doubt use simple words you actually understand when the conversation is important.


If he gave you helpful suggestions about how to help your dad's libido, he'd probably lose his license!

When in doubt use simple words you actually understand when the conversation is important.

I'm confused. Why would the doctor have been impressed? Neither of those are big medical terms, and you still got it wrong.

My guess is op told the doctor that his dad couldn't get out of bed due to his libido and that was impressive to the Dr? Not sure though to be honest 😂