By CyberHex305 - 01/04/2017 16:00

Today, I went to Men's Warehouse to pick up my tux. They mistakenly set the pick-up date for the 30th of next month. My prom is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 103
You deserved it 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should definitely complain! This is entirely their fault if they wrote the date down wrong, and they should do everything they can to remediate the problem for you. Maybe they could have it ready the next day (though I'm assuming it's probably too late by now).

Pro-tip: always pick up several days before a big event. That way, at least if there IS an error, you have some time to correct it or work around it.


Don't look at me. I've run out of tux to give. If the Men's Wearhouse doesn't fix the problem, you ought to go to your prom nude in protest. It worked great for Lady Godiva. She went naked and got free chocolate.

You should definitely complain! This is entirely their fault if they wrote the date down wrong, and they should do everything they can to remediate the problem for you. Maybe they could have it ready the next day (though I'm assuming it's probably too late by now).

Pro-tip: always pick up several days before a big event. That way, at least if there IS an error, you have some time to correct it or work around it.

mariri9206 32

This exactly. Why'd they wait so long, anyway, I wonder? Everyone knows you never pick up something at the last minute. It's common sense to pick up, at least, a week in advance. It sucks that it happened and, yes, MW's should do everything they can to make it right, but it's also a little bit of a YDI because they waited until the day before to check on/pick up their tux.

Audra Shelly 18

but if OP is just renting then they are getting charged by the day and that gets expensive quickly

As a plan B, maybe contact some family members to see if they have suits you can borrow? They are still reasonably common in some workplaces.

You should have ordered from Mens Wearhouse instead.

Man they don't give a tux about you.

Ummm... what school has prom on a Sunday night?? (post was written on a Saturday).