By Jesse - 20/03/2009 05:48 - United States

Today, I was pulled over by my father who is a police officer. He was training a rookie and gave me a breathalyzer test to show his trainee how to do it. I blew a .15 and was taken to jail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 946
You deserved it 151 289

Same thing different taste

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Wait... did he pull you over by chance or was it that he told you he was going to? And you are a total douchebag if you were driving with a .15 and you deserve to go to jail. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE PERIOD

I think it's pathetic you chose to drive drunk.


Wait... did he pull you over by chance or was it that he told you he was going to? And you are a total douchebag if you were driving with a .15 and you deserve to go to jail. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE PERIOD

agreed, they could have killed someone drinking and driving YDI

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Today I decided to endanger the lives of others on the road, when I got pulled over and was mildly inconvenienced. FML

dude, one of my best friends was just killed in a car accident. cars are big, heavy, and dangerous. don't be a dumbass because you might end up killing someone, this is serious

ShorTiE4LyFe 0

Today, I pulled over my daughter while training a rookie cop. I was trying to teach him how to use the breathalyzer so I used it on my daughter. She tested a .15. I had to take my own daughter to jail. FML

1 has it right. You're a total a-hole for driving drunk and putting others in danger. F your dads life for having a selfish bastard of a son. It's good he arrested you and threw your stupid arse in the pen!

Actually, they could have used mouthwash earlier or had one of those Listerine pocket strips. Some drinks don't get you intoxicated, but do have a bit of alcohol in them.

so y wouldn't he say that. I scored a .15 and was taken to jail. I didn't have anything to drink. fml.

mouthwash will not make you score a .15

She could have just washed there mouth with mouthwash.

gatorgirl7563 22

I've read the mini-stories from this website of many people who "deserved it", but you are the first person who, with complete sincerity, I can say that I am happy, relieved, and all-around glad that they actually GOT what they deserved.

OP, why is this am FML? Because the police officer was your dad? Did you just expect your dad to give you a free pass for drunk driving just because you're related? YDI

I think it's pathetic you chose to drive drunk.

Yeah. How's this an fml? "Today, I got caught breaking the law. Fml"

As wise a motto "live and learn" is, drunk driving is one of those things you shouldn't have to live to learn how ******* STUPID a choice that is! Alas, if you have to live thru that one to learn your lesson I'm praying to Poseidon you only kill a tree and not an innocent bystander...

i agree with #3 esp. if your dad is an officer. Go to jail

I don't think anyone has any sympathy for you. Drinking and driving is serious. Sorry dude.

Ender_ 0

Wow way to be almost twice the legal limit. That's just stupid of you to do. Drinking and driving is bad. MmmKay.

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