Who are you?

By LCDRBrownHercules - 22/09/2015 01:44 - United States - Lake Elsinore

Today, my 5-year-old daughter sobbed inconsolably on my return home from a several-month long deployment to the Middle East. I was touched by her reaction until she blurted out that she wasn't crying because she missed me, but because my shaved head looked scary ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 965
You deserved it 2 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your daughter remembers how you looked when you left and she probably wasn't expecting you to come home with a new unfamiliar look. Give her a couple days and she will get used to your new look ;) welcome home!

moo77_fml 20

Ahhhh.. Bless her... She will get used to it.. And thank you for your service


Tell her your shaved head made you faster and like superman. Nothing to be scared of because you'll protect her from anything. Thank you for your service OP!

Your daughter remembers how you looked when you left and she probably wasn't expecting you to come home with a new unfamiliar look. Give her a couple days and she will get used to your new look ;) welcome home!

moo77_fml 20

Ahhhh.. Bless her... She will get used to it.. And thank you for your service

Thank you for your service and sorry about your daughter, but the rest of us are happy you're home safe

At least you made it home for her to think your shaved head it "scary ugly." Thanks for your service.

Wow, when I was her age, my first thought wasn't to act like a little shit when my mom came back from deployment. My first reaction was to hug and kiss her. Kids have changed so much.

Seriously? You're trying to one-up a 5 year old? I bet you had your little terror moments too.

Yes, because of what one five-year old did, kids have changed so much. Very reasonable.

well no, not just becuase of one five year old. You hear kids acting like this all the time. Not sure how me sharing a personal story is me trying to one up a five year. My family tells me I was a well behaved child.

kids have always reacted to men differently. at a certain age kids just think certain haircuts are scary. this could be a beard on men or no hair at all. this is very normal behavior at this age and happens to the best kids. it's a phase they go through.

Denise1988 13

"Back in my day..." You totally just pulled the old dude attitude. Each generation acts like the next one are a bunch of heathens. You were one child, there are billions. The only reason you hear about undesirable behaviors is because you have Internet access. Honestly, when my 5 year old son saw his Dad after 7 months, he hesitated because he didn't recognize him with a shaved head, I had to convince him that was his father. I'm betting your Mom's hair looked exactly the same so it wasn't an issue for you.

You you teach your children hoe to behave correctly, this type of thing wouldn't happen.

Too bad nobody taught you how to behave correctly in this instance.

Having a parent come home from a deployment is an overwhelming experience. You can't expect a child (much less a 5 year old) to put someone else's feelings above their own. My husband was deployed twice, for a year each time (before we had children). I worked as a teacher near an army base and about 3/4 of my class had at least one parent deployed for all or part of the year. There are so many complex emotions that families experience in redeployment. It isn't about being polite or well mannered. Having to deal with so many emotions, joy, feeling anxious, worry (will they act or look different?) and relief, can be extremely overwhelming. Honesty, OPs daughter might not even think he looks scary but she was trying to weed through her emotions and the fact that he looked different was the only tangible thing she could explain.

50- Didn't know stating an unpopular opinion means you are behaving incorrectly. I never once was rude or called anyone out of their name.

I'm not from the US, but much respect for who you are and what you've done. one day your daughter will understand, and she will be proud of you too. well done.

Thank you for your service, I'm sure your daughter missed you, but maybe she just didn't want to tell you that was why she was crying

She's a young one, who knows what goes on in that little head of hers. Im sure she missed you, and thank you for your service.

This could just be her method of dealing with your return. She might not want you to think that she was sad that you weren't home. Either way, I want to thank you for your service.