Who are you?

By Anonymous - 09/02/2024 08:00

Today, it's been a while since I tried the "shave-your-beard to see if your baby recognises you afterwards" trick. I wasn’t expecting her to start crying, real heartbreaking tears. The beard's now grown back but she still cries and screams whenever she sees me, and we don’t know what to do. I think traumatised my daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 375
You deserved it 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell would you try to trick your infant child shaving your beard when it's not going to grow back the same day! Infants are not fully developed in their face recognition and even an adult can be surprised by someone shaving off or growing a beard. Dumb if your whole motive was some sort of "test" for your baby... Just because people make a video or Tick Tock or "challenge" about something stupid to do is no reason to then do it yourself.


Why the hell would you try to trick your infant child shaving your beard when it's not going to grow back the same day! Infants are not fully developed in their face recognition and even an adult can be surprised by someone shaving off or growing a beard. Dumb if your whole motive was some sort of "test" for your baby... Just because people make a video or Tick Tock or "challenge" about something stupid to do is no reason to then do it yourself.