It wasn't me

By CatLady - 16/06/2017 04:00

Today, I was having dinner at a restaurant with my best friend and her 18-month-old. I really had to fart, so I let one go silently, hoping it would go unnoticed. I caught a whiff of it, but so did my friend apparently, because she made a face and then held up her baby to smell her diaper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 536
You deserved it 1 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you farted and got away with it without blame? FYL indeed, OP. Hopefully next time your friend will suspect you instead of their baby.


So you farted and got away with it without blame? FYL indeed, OP. Hopefully next time your friend will suspect you instead of their baby.

KaIuLtLuEmRn 8

So someone smelled your fart but didn't even know it was you? How is that even slightly bad?

ProperPengTing 15

18? Lol just say a 1 year old

Well, it wasn't noticed as a fart, so you're golden.

1 and a half year old. for ***** sake. do you call a 2 year old a 24 month old as well. generally after a year it usually just goes by year not months because you don't have to count by months any more...

cthvlhv 0

Calm down. It's not that serious.

You were in a restaurant. What is wrong with you?