What am I like?

By Joe - 01/11/2009 16:35 - United States

Today, I realized that the drunk-me deletes my texts, so the sober-me doesn't get mad. Well turns out, whatever the drunk-me said, caused me to lose my job, my girlfriend, and my coffee machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 807
You deserved it 50 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

qwertyone 0

Drunk you or not it was still you. You are responsible for what you do drunk and you chose to drink in the first place. I hope the "drunk you" doesn't drive.


who deleted that post about the guy and his wife who turned out to be a lesbian???

LMAO58 0

**** u i dont see why everyone is blaming Obama for their own retarded/stupid mistakes!

Today, I realized that the I deletes my texts, so I don't get mad. Well turns out, whatever I said, caused me to lose my job, my girlfriend, and my coffee machine. FML Fix't. Grow a pair and take responsibility for your actions.

spiderman0606 0

that the I deletes my texts... what?

Aw :( That really does suck. I guess you know to drink more moderately now though.

It was still you that did it. Either stay sober or own up to your actions.

Drinking responsibly involves knowing your limits. Either get to know your limits, or learn to deal with the consequences of what you do when you exceed them.

I know the solution, STOP getting drunk. Take control of your life.

Oh come ON people, who doesn't get drunk from time to time??? I don't see the problem, if it's not too often, if you don't drink TOO much and if you don't drive afterwards.

hornetchik 0

Completely agree. People need to take responsibility of their actions, but I don't know many people who haven't been drunk from time to time. It IS fun.

I've never been drunk, and I don't want to. I can see many ways to have fun other than being an inebriated idiot.

It certainly doesn't sound fun to me. Being unable to control myself and vomiting all over the place?! Sounds great, count me in!!!

hornetchik 0

Well you haven't been drunk so you don't know do you? Being absolutely trashed isn't fun at all, but a wee bit tipsy is a good time had by all!

I have never been drunk. I drink, but I do it in moderation.