Well done

By Anonymous - 17/10/2015 11:41 - United States - Mechanicsville

Today, I had to bail my son out of jail, because he's a wimp and wouldn't last a night in there. His crime: pissing through the open windows of passing cars after losing a bet with his friends. I feel like if he gave me grandkids, they'd be born with half a brain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 313
You deserved it 4 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouldn't have done it. Let him deal with the consequences of his stupid actions.

christinamarie17 29

I feel like he shouldn't be allowed to have children.


HeadlessSparrow 20

At least we know he can keep his word when he lost the bet!

Asinger06 1

Glad you aren't my parent. Total dick comment

Geez, kinda harsh for your own kid....

It doesn't matter if the kid deserved it, you are a dick of a parent talking about them like this.

Your son will continue to make stupid decisions if he knows you'll be there to bail him out. If he faces his punishment I think he'll think twice before acting in the future

hektek 11

It's parents like you who encourage this shit, you should've left his stupid ass in jail for a night, he needs some tough love.

You know what they say: children learn by their parent's example. Perhaps you should evaluate how you raised him first before blaming him and calling him a "pansy".

love how you only bailed him out because you say he is a pansy, hilarious.

I JUST MODERATED A POST RIGHT AFTER READING THIS THAT SAID" Today, some ass hole kid pissed in my car window as I was driving past. now my car smells like piss. thanks kid."